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LT / Vail Colorado Ski Trip March 20 -27, 2010
Next year’s snow ski and winter trip is to the beautiful Vail Mountain Ski Resort in Vail, Colorado during March 20-27, 2010 !!! The trip is being organized by Siaures Amerikos Lietuviu Fizinio Auklejimo ir Sporto Sajunga (SALFASS) aka Lithuanian Athletic Union of North America (LAUNA) & Amerikos Lietuviu Gydytoju Associacija (ALGS). As in the …
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44-o ŠALFASS Golfo Turnyras
2009 m. Š Amerikos lietuvių individualios ir komandinesgolfo pirmenybes rengia Čikagos Lietuvių golfo klubas, 2009 m.rugsėjo 5 ir 6 d., Indiana National Golf Club at Swan Lake, Plymouth, IN. Informuoja: Linas Čepelė, Tel. 630-460-5588 Email: arba Rytas Kleiza, Tel. 815-258-3170 Email: Tinklalapis: Registracijos terminas – iki rugpjūčio 12 d.
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8th World Lithuanian Sports Games
8th World Lithuanian Sports Games – “Lithuania in Sports” — reflections of Lithuanian sport in photographs Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 8th World Lithuanian Sports Games (pdf)
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Golf Tournament – 2009
SALFASS Golf Tournament will be held September 5 and 6 during Labor Day weekend at Swan Lake Resort in Plymouth, Indiana (around 90 min from Chicago) Information about ŠALFASS Golf Tournament 2009 (pdf) Inidividual Registration (pdf) PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CUTOFF DATE FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS IS Aug 11th 2009
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e-Sportas Nr. 24 PLS Žaidynės
e-Sportas (pdf)
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Pasaulio Sporto Žaidynių žinios
Labas visiems – linkejimai is Kauno, papildau Stasio e-mail – Cikagos “Lituanica” vyrai vel, kaip ir pries 4 metus, laimejo PLSZ auksa, o jauniai (1993 m. gimimo) sidabra. Dar truputi cia apie Plsz. Iki, Laurynas (Larry) R. Misevicius ————————- Niujorko LAK komandos labai gerai pasirode siuose zaidynese.Moteru komanda uzeme pirmaja vieta.Vyru 1 komanda uzeme 3 …
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Final results 2009 SALFASS Junior championships
Final results from 2009 SALFASS Junior championships Hi Everyone, Thanks for coming to Hamilton to participate in the SALFASS Junior Championships. We enjoyed having everyone here. I am enclosing the final results. If anyone left a camera behind at Westdale High School, please e-mail me the details of the type/model and we will make an …
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North American Lithuanian Volleyball club
North American Lithuanian Volleyball club North American Lithuanian Volleyball club pprancke Volleyball Publish at Scribd or explore others: Brochures & Catalogs volleyball
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Basketball Tournament Rules
GAME RULES LAUNA games will be governed by National Federation basketball rules, which are used by referees in the U.S. and Canada in high school and modified for men‘s league. 1. REGULATION TIME – All games are stop time (unless noted otherwise) Men‘s A, B and Veterans – two (2) twenty-minute halves. Junior A, B …
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