Jaunių Sporto Šventė– Detroit May 17-18 2014
*Team Pre-registration due 4-12-14*
300.00/ team for E-B.
175.00 for Molecules
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Hotel Livonia – Detroit
17123 Laurel Park Drive North
Livonia, MI 48152. 734-464-1300
Block of rooms under Lithuanian Jr. Basketball.
94.00/night rate available until 4/18/14.
Gym Info
Divine Providence Lithuanian Church
25335 West Nine Mile Rd., Southfield, MI 48033-3933
Saturday evening social will be held here as well.
Beech Wood Recreation Center
22200 Beech Rd.
Southfield, MI 48003
Phone: (248) 796 – 4670
Livonia Community Rec. Center
15100 Hubbard
Livonia, MI. 48154
Phone: (734) 466-2900
Kokios yra amziaus grupes (gimimo metai)?
Molecules (gime 2006-2007)
E klase (gime 2004-2005)
D klase (gime 2002-2003)
C klase (gime 2000-2001)
B klase (gime 1998-1999)