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Krepsinio Turnyras – Palm Beach Gardens, FL

S.m. Kovo 31 – Balandzio 1d. VISUS kvieciame i Siaures Amerikos Lietuviu Krepsinio Turnyra -PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL

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Žaidynės New Jersey gegužės 25-27 dd.

Siaures Amerikos lietuviu fizinio auklejimo ir sporto sajungos zaidynes siemet vyks Geguzes 25-27 dienom New Jersey.

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Ambasados taurė 2012

Lietuvos Respublikos ambasada Vašingtone
maloniai kviečia dalyvauti krepšinio turnyre

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Embassy Cup 2012

The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Washington DC
cordially invites you to a Basketball Tournament

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Hotel – 2012 Juniors tournament

2012 Juniors tournament Ohio May 19-20th, hotel arrangements with the Quail Hollow Resort (Concord, Ohio).

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Twelfth Annual Florida Lithuanian Open Golf Tournament

FLO-XII Early-Bird Registration deadline is Friday, February 17th

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Veteranų Krepšinio Turnyras

2012 m. ŠALFASS Veteranų Krepšinio Turnyras (daugiau nei 35m. amžiaus)

2012 LAUNA Seniors tournament 3/31 – 4/1 West Palm Beach Florida

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Juniors Basketball Tournament

As previously announced, the 2012 LAUNA Juniors Basketball Tournament will be held May 19 – 20th weekend in Geneva, Ohio. Please check out the impressive facilities where this year’s tournament will be held at Hosting this year’s tournament will be the Cleveland Lithuanian Athletic Club “Zaibas”. Tournament director will be Vidas Tatarunas. Tournament will …

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Preliminary Registration Form

Complete the preliminary registration by March 20th, 2012 . Please send registration information to Vidas Tatarunas at After that date more detailed information on tournament format, team registration fees, etc. will be shared with the participating clubs.

Final registration with rosters and tournament fees will be required by April 23rd, 2012.

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Jaunučių krepšinio pirmenybės

Kaip jau ankščiau skelbėme, 2012 m. Š. Amerikos Lietuvių Jaunučių Krepšinio Pirmenybės įvyks 2012 m. gegužės 19 & 20 dienomis, Geneva, Ohio ( Vykdo – Clevelando LSK “Žaibas”. Pirmininkas ir pirmenybių vadovas – Vidas Tatarūnas. Varzybas numatoma vykdyti siose berniuku ir mergaiciu klasese: B (1996-1997 m. gimimo), C (1998-1999 m.), D (2000-2001 m.), E (2002-2003 …

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