- Opening of the meeting . Selection of meeting officers.
- Approval of the agenda .
- Greetings: verbal and written .
- Reading and approval of minutes from the last annual meeting.
- 2014 schedule of tournaments
- 2013 tournaments a) skiing b ) seniors basketball, c ) 63 – annual tournament – Chicago, d) juniors basketball tournament, adults and veterans tournaments , e ) other .
- IX th World Lithuanian Games in Klaipeda and potential separate Winter Games .
- Lithuanian sport fund affairs in Canada and the United States.
- Ongoing affairs
- Sports media affairs, communication, LAUNA website
- Tournament funding issues, LAUNA insurance
- Search for a secretary, new board members and President. Suggestions.
10 LAUNA Hall of Fame, LAUNA archives. Discussion.
Lunch break
11 LAUNA statute amendments, suggestions.
12 Reports: written and verbal
a. Executive Committee: Preseident, secretary, treasurer. Discussion of recommendations
b. Regions: Canada, Eastern, Mid-West
c. Lithuania community representatives: World Lithuanian Community, Canadian Lithuanisn Community, Lithuanian-American Community
d. Sports branches and other committees: basketball, volleyball, track and field, swimming, tennis, table tennis, shooting, skiing, ice hockey, chess, golf, soccer, softball, bowling, racquetball, arm wrestling
13 LAUNA Court of Honor.
14 LAUNA Audit Committee.
15 The next 3- years, Executive Committee elections, 2014 LAUNA annual meeting place and date .
16 Discussion and new proposals – Tournament organizers in the 2-4 year time frame.
17 Adjourn
P.S. If you have any suggested additions or changes to the agenda please present them and the beginning of the meeting .