2015 Sporto Svente – Cleveland, OH – June 5th, 6th and 7th.
Pre-Registration DEADLINE is Friday, April 3rd. This is CRITICAL to ensure we have enough courts for all events. Please send Pre-Registration information to me (ptitas@hotmail.com), as well as the Primary event contact below.
- Basketball (Primary Contact Pete Titas – ptitas@hotmail.com- 216-402-5295)
Men’s A
Men’s B
Junior A
GAMES WILL BE PLAYED FRIDAY, JUNE 5th - Volleyball (Primary Contact Rytas Petraitis rytasroo@gmail.com – 216-990-1076)
Men’s / Women’s division TBD based on pre-registrations - Table Tennis (Primary Contact Edmund Capas ecapas@hotmail.com)
- Chess (Primary Contact – TBD)
Registration fees for all Basketball teams will be $300 per team. Registration fee for non-basketball events TBD.
There are 70 two double bed rooms blocked (under ‘SALFASS’) for $89/night — single King bed rooms for $81/night at:
Radisson Hotel & Suites
35000 Curtis Blvd
Eastlake, Ohio 44095
1 (440) 953-8000
This hotel is within walking distance of primary basketball facility. I will send an email link next week.
The Saturday Night Party will take place in the Amber Ballroom at the Lithuanian Club.
More detail to follow. Please let me know if you have any immediate questions.
Pete Titas – 216-402-5295 – ptitas@hotmail.com